Virtual Science Field Trips Middle School Try Again

Imagine taking your entire class to run into one of the seven wonders of the world up close and personal — and and then being back at school before the final bell rings.

The ascent of online learning activities during the pandemic accelerated the availability of virtual field trips, tours and experiences for students of all ages. At present at that place are many interactive virtual tours bachelor to places that would be incommunicable to reach on a class trip — the pyramids in Egypt, the Louvre museum in Paris or even an African safari.

We put together a list of 22 unforgettable virtual field trips and experiences that will help your students see amazing sights, connect their learning to real-world experiences and aggrandize their horizons.

What is a virtual bout and how does it piece of work?

Virtual tours allow students to explore noteworthy places effectually the world, from the comfort of their home or the classroom.

Virtual tours give students the opportunity to stop, explore and guide learning at their ain step. While they're exploring, they tin get upward shut to nature or artifacts that might not otherwise exist easily accessible.

Virtual tours can be many dissimilar things, including:

  • A video
  • A alive webcam of a zoo or animal habitat
  • A 360 caste view of a location you tin manipulate
  • Pictures enriched with helpful information and diagrams

Technology powering virtual field trips for students

Even ten or xv years ago, video tours would have been rare or incommunicable. Advancements in technology and education have combined to assistance people learn and explore from anywhere!

  • National Geographic creates TV series about nature, history and archaeology
  • Food shows similar Netflix'due south Salt Fat Acrid Rut take viewers on food journeys across the world
  • Planet Earth, a television series, brings far-flung locations to your living room or classroom
  • Discovery Education gives educators access to multimedia resources that supplement classroom learning
  • Video conferencing technology like Zoom lets y'all connect with people and learning experiences around the world

Nosotros love being able to sit at home or in the classroom and larn about different foods, cultures and geography. Why not introduce that to your students?

22 Best virtual field trips for students

i. Take a trip to the zoo

Two zebras in a zoo
Take a virtual field trip to Yosemite National Park.

From Yosemite to Mesa Verde, explore some of the USA's most beloved and cute national parks with The Hidden World of National Parks.

Supported by Google Arts & Civilization, students can use the aforementioned engineering that powers Street View to explore the national parks at their ain pace.

The program also includes guided tours from park rangers, where they share their expertise as you explore. Follow the on-screen prompts and let them guide your gamble!

3. Lookout man the Monterey Bay Aquarium Bounding main Otters

A sea otter plays in the water.

Play with the sea otters as they swim around Monterey Bay Aquarium in California! Tune in throughout the 24-hour interval to meet them beingness fed, acquire fun facts about otters and watch them play in the h2o.

If you'd like to cheque out some other aquarium-related channels, Monterey Bay Aquarium also offers Open Sea or Kelp Forest live streams.

iv. Swim through Palau coral reefs

Travel to the Pacific Sea through a virtual risk and see the Palau coral reefs. Hosted by Nature Lab and the Nature Conservancy, this tour teaches students nigh the importance of preserving some of the most frail ecosystems in the world — no wetsuit required.

Take learning to the next level with the Nature Lab'south Instructor's Guide, which includes discussion questions and related resources to keep learners engaged.

v. Visit the surface of Mars

Take a virtual tour of the surface of Mars.

Information technology took the Perseverance rover near vii months to get to Mars. Just thanks to this virtual bout, you and your students can become for a visit in just one afternoon.

Created by Google and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, this virtual tour takes you through the history of Mars explorations and turns what might be a far-flung topic into something right at students' fingertips. They'll explore the surface of Mars, learn more nearly the rovers that accept studied its surface and sympathize how Mars exploration fits into the history of infinite travel.

6. Power upwards with renewable energy

Powering the Planet from the Nature Conservancy is an interactive lesson that focuses on renewable energy sources. It explains to students how energy around them is necessary for life, and covers how energy tin be sourced in a way that's non harmful to the surround.

All the Nature Conservancy'southward programs come with a Teacher Guide, which offers lesson plans and activities relating to the virtual tour.

7. Walk the Smashing Wall of Red china

The Great Wall of China in the fall.

The Cracking Wall of People's republic of china is over 13,000 miles long, so exist sure to pack your walking shoes for this trip!

This virtual tour lets students explore central points in the Groovy Wall of China, plus see the history and amazing view upwards close.

8. Bladder around the International Space Station

Take a virtual tour to the international space station.

Did you know that astronauts have continuously inhabited the International Space Station for 20 years? Now your form tin bring together them!

With tours of the different parts of the space station, facts almost the layout and assembly, and data nearly the different astronauts who've visited from effectually the world, students can get an out-of-this-world feel from the comfort of their domicile or classroom.

Plus, there are plenty of images, videos, graphics and media resources to help you tie topics into your curriculum.

9. Scuba dive in the Dandy Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef in Australia, perfect for virtual tours.

The Groovy Barrier Reef is a delicate ecosystem specially vulnerable to the effects of pollution and climatic change.

David Attenborough's Nifty Bulwark Reef is a bout created in partnership with the Natural History Museum in London that teaches everyone about the beauty and fragility of one of the world's greatest natural wonders.

The Keen Bulwark Reef is as well bachelor on Google Street View through Google Maps every bit one of the starting time underwater locations to exist mapped.

x. Learn about h2o and Republic of colombia's páramo ecosystem

Only exterior of Bogotá, Columbia, is one of the nearly various ecosystems in the world. In this virtual lesson, students will learn about how the water bicycle plays a vital part in biodiversity, and get an upward-shut look at the animals that call the area home.

Utilise the accompanying Teacher Guide to help students talk over the topic and stay engaged with the lesson. And check out the rest of the Nature Lab's YouTube channel for even more virtual experiences.

11. Bout the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History

Visit the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History as part of a virtual tour.

The Smithsonian Establish is the globe's largest museum — so in that location are plenty of things for students to explore.

With a variety of virtual tours to choose from, the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History is full of means to get students excited about learning. Students can sentinel narrated tours of dissimilar exhibits ranging from history and geography to the inquiry stations in the museum.

Whether students desire to walk through the museum on their own or let someone else practise the talking, at that place'southward something for every lesson.

12. Get caught up in the American Revolution

The American Museum of Natural History, which offer virtual learning experiences for students.

History meets the present at the Museum of the American Revolution!

This virtual bout lets students run across artifacts, meet museum staff and hear stories of real people who fought for American independence.

It also comes with a Classroom Kit for 2nd to 8th grade that supplements learning and makes it even more meaningful.

13. Trek up Mt. Everest

This 360 degree video from National Geographic lets students explore Mt. Everest along with a group of researchers. Together, they'll discover what kind of effects climatic change has on the mountain, and how we can work to preserve natural landscapes.

Not upwardly for climbing mountains? Accept a virtual ride on Expedition Everest, the tallest rollercoaster in any Disney park! But beware — at that place's a monster lurking in the dark.

xiv. Go the right bending with Explore Geometry

The gardens of Versailles are a great way to teach students about real-life geometry

Powered by Nearpod, Explore Geometry'south lesson plans connect classroom lessons with compages in the natural world.

Students can explore the gardens of Versailles to learn most the geometry of a French garden before moving on to the next lesson and putting their skills to practical use.

15. Wander through the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City

The Great Hall in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City

1 of the most well-known museums in the world, students tin can now explore The Met's vast collections with the Met 360º Projection.

Virtual tours help students get a sense of the space, art and collections inside of the museum. Whether they're interested in the Met Cloisters or the Arms and Armor gallery, students tin can go at their own step, accompanied by a soothing soundtrack.

You lot can besides book virtual tours with a museum guide to line up with your lesson programme. Tours are complimentary for NYC public schools and all Championship I schools, and $200 USD per class for other schools.

xvi. Explore history in the British Museum

Some other world-form museum, students tin can explore the British Museum in London using Google Street View, read facts about the artifacts and connect what they see to their history lessons.

Whether it's the Rosetta Stone, the Elgin Marbles, Egyptian sculpture or whatever other historical treasure, in that location's something every pupil will observe interesting!

If you want to allow someone else do the exploring, in that location'southward also a 46-minute virtual walking tour, where you can skip to the sections that are near relevant to you and your grade.

17. Visit the White House

Take a virtual tour of the White House in Washington, D.C.

In Washington, D.C. the White House is the symbolic centre of America, and now students can walk the halls for themselves.

Whether they want to take a lap around the Oval Office or wander the building, students can explore this virtual bout from the White House Historical Clan. Plus, it comes with class necktie-ins like vocabulary lessons and other activities to make the experience even more memorable!

18. Arrive at Ellis Island

Historical photograph of Ellis Island.

Ever wonder what it was similar for new immigrants to see the Statue of Liberty and step foot on American soil for the commencement time?

Now students can experience it for themselves with this virtual bout, a collaboration between Scholastic and the National Park Service. They'll learn the importance of immigration in the history of the United states of america and hear real-life stories virtually the people who came looking for a better life.

After students watch the video, they tin can click through this interactive map with facts and stories about the people who came through Ellis Island.

19. Explore China'due south forests

In this online tour, students tin explore the natural habitats of pandas in the forests of China. They'll discover how the panda'due south home plays a office in agreement our earth, learn about local conservation efforts and see the big-motion picture view of how these vast forests fit into our understanding of nature and climate change.

Plus, this program also comes with a handy Teacher Guide for y'all to use in lesson planning!

20. Bundle up in the Arctic tundra

Three polar bears walk across the snow in the Arctic tundra.

Take a virtual field trip all the style up north to the tundra! Discovery Education'south tundra programs for elementary, heart and high schoolhouse students comprehend the natural habitat of polar bears, plus their activities and migration patterns.

This virtual tour comes with instructional activities and classroom tie-ins, so you tin can be sure students are getting a productive learning experience.

21. Go spelunking in the world's largest cave

Inside shot of Son Doong, the largest cave in the world, in Vietnam.

Travel through Vietnam's Son Doong, the globe'southward largest cave. First explored past researchers in 2009, this cave is upwards to 200 meters tall in some areas and even has its ain jungle inside.

Information technology'southward estimated that the full length of the cave organisation is over 200 kilometers, and with this National Geographic tour students can explore to their eye's content. High definition pictures and helpful facts mean that non only is this an awe-inspiring trip for students, only it's also educational!

Because the cavern is ecologically sensitive, only a certain number of tourists are allowed to visit each twelvemonth. This virtual bout is a groovy mode for kids and adults to experience the wonder up close!

22. Browse the Louvre

The outside of the Louvre museum in Paris, France.

How to incorporate virtual tours into learning activities

From kindergarten to loftier school, virtual field trips are a nifty way to go students excited well-nigh learning. And if you're homeschooling, they're the perfect mode to get real-globe experience without leaving the firm!

To go the most out of the experience, keep these tips in mind:

  • Ask students what they're interested in exploring
  • Look for virtual experiences that fit into your lesson program for maximum impact
  • Search for supplementary resource like teacher guides and discussion questions
  • Endeavor out the virtual tour first to make sure information technology'southward worth it and to avert whatever unpleasant technical glitches
  • Use virtual field trips at the beginning of a unit to innovate students to new concepts, or at the end every bit a reward and wrap-up activity

Exist sure to follow up with students and see what they liked the most. Then, harness that excitement for your next lesson or action!

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