Who Performed Make America Great Again

six:07 p.m. ET: Trump congratulated the performers and thanked the military talent and his supporters to wrap up the evening.

"This journeying began 18 months ago," he said. "I had something to exercise with it but you had more than to exercise with it than I did … I'm only the messenger … we all got tired of seeing what was happening … we wanted real modify. I await so forwards to tomorrow … [this concert] is a motility that started and a movement similar we've never seen … and it's something very, very special and we are going to unify our country …. and we are going to brand America great for all of our people throughout our country," he connected. "You are not forgotten anymore. I want to thank my great family, my incredible married woman, Melania, they've been so supportive and information technology wasn't easy for them … I want to thank you nigh chiefly and I hope you that I will piece of work then hard. Nosotros are going to get information technology turned around … it'due south going to modify, I promise you … I love y'all, folks, we are going to work together and we are going to make America great once again and greater than ever before," he ended before an impressive fireworks show went off.

Trump's youngest son, Barron, was noticeably absent-minded from the large event.

half dozen:04 p.thousand. ET: Tom Banter , Chairman of the Presidential Inaugural Committee, took to the phase to introduce and praise Trump, who then addressed the crowd for the first time this evening.

5:l p.one thousand. ET: Toby Keith took the stage much to the oversupply's excitement and performed "American Solider" and "Made in America" while drinking from a red solo cup between songs.

Toby Keith

Toby Keith

Keith besides sang "Courtesy of The Red, White and Blue" causing fans on social media to wonder if he'll perform mega hit "Cerise Solo Cup."

five:35 p.m. ET: YouTube awareness The Pianoforte Guys offered a change of footstep. The iv men gave an impressive performance, using their hands to play the piano strings equally well every bit the keys as they covered One Directions' "What Makes You lot Beautiful."

Again, Trump'due south sway continued to go along Twitter entertained:

5:32 p.m. ET: DJ Ravidrums returned for another functioning. Prior to his render, Trump was caught wiping abroad a tear to 3 Doors Downward 's "Here Without You lot." One user on Twitter joked Trump was sad that Hoobastank wasn't available.

3 Doors Down

3 Doors Down

5:xiii p.m. ET: 3 Doors Downwards was side by side to perform. The rock band performed throwback hits including "The Broken," "When I'chiliad Gone," "Kryptonite" and "Here Without You lot." Viewers were quick to take to Twitter to mock Trump's subtle dance moves while late-nighttime host Jimmy Kimmel joked that: "3 Doors Downwardly is where Melania sleeps."

v:09 p.one thousand. ET: Lee Greenwood joined the Frontmen of Land on stage to perform "Proud to Be An American" as Trump sang along. The President-elect embraced all four men afterward their performances and thanked them.

US President-elect Donald Trump and his wife Melania arrive to attend an inauguration concert at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC, on January 19, 2017.

US President-elect Donald Trump and his wife Melania go far to attend an inauguration concert at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC, on January nineteen, 2017. MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images

4:53 p.k. ET: Donald Trump made his predictable entrance alongside wife Melania Trump to the melody of the Rolling Stones' "Centre of Stone." Clad in a blackness trench glaze and bright blue tie, he held easily with Melania as he fabricated his way to the center of the platform. Trump and the former model so joined their family at their seats. The oversupply then started cheering "Trump! Trump! Trump!" before The Frontmen of Country's Richie McDonald , Tim Blitz and Larry Stewart performed a medley of their greatest hits.

4:44 p.1000. ET: The Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps was next to perform as the crowd still awaits Trump's archway.

4:30 p.k. ET: Jon Voight  then took the podium, exclaiming "This is some day!" while stating he was honored to welcome all to the inauguration. "We take all been witness to a very grueling yr and a one-half for the President-elect … In that location has been a barrage of propaganda confronting the President-Elect … whose just desire was to make America great again … he certainly didn't need this chore … God answered our prayers … because here it is! We will be office of history … America will be saved by an honest and skilful man who volition work for all the people no matter their color … so my friends let us rejoice in knowing … nosotros will see a renewed America," he ended before introducing Grammy winning soul singer Sam Moore , who performed "America the Beautiful."

4:28 p.m. ET:DJ Ravidrums was first to perform at the big event. With his signature mohawk in full force, the drummer rocked out while jamming on a set of acrylic drums.

4:24 p.m. ET: While pending Trump's big entrance, all stood to sing the National Anthem.

Update 4:xiii p.yard. ET: The concert kicked off with a military orchestra performance as Donald Trump'due south famous family made their way onstage to their seats at the Lincoln Memorial. Ivanka especially stood out in a dark-green dress and matching green trench. The fashion designer and her married man, Jared Kushner, helped their daughter, Arabella, brand her fashion to her seat past holding her hand.

Original story continues below

The time has come. President-elect Donald Trump and VP-elect Mike Pence are kicking off the inauguration festivities with a concert dubbed the Make America Bully Again! Welcome Celebration at the Lincoln Memorial on Thursday, January 19. Watch the livestream above and stick with United states of america Weekly for live updates throughout the concert.

Donald Trump

Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at the Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino in 2015. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

As previously reported, Trump and Pence volition both deliver remarks, and Oscar winner Jon Voight is also expected to speak during the effect.

Performances by Toby Keith, 3 Doors Downwardly, the Piano Guys, Lee Greenwood, Ravidrums, various military bands and a variety of other performers will besides go down during the two-hour outcome, which will conclude with a fireworks show provided by Grucci.

Updates to come up.

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Source: https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/donald-trumps-make-america-great-again-concert-watch-the-livestream-w461949/

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