Cry Seal It Is Thy Hour Thou Art Alone Edward Dowden

Edward Dowden (1843-1913)

Thanks to Nelson Miller and Poets' Corner for some of the texts beneath. Others are from Sonnets of This Century.

"Professor Dowden, widely known as an able critic and Shakespearian student, has not perhaps a very wide audition for his poesy. It is at any charge per unit select. . . " (Sonnets of This Century)

  • The Singer (audio)
  • Sonnet
  • Brother Death
  • A Peach
  • In the Cathedral
  • Durer's "Melencholia"
  • Leonardo's "Monna Lisa"
  • Darwinism in Morals
  • In July (at Poets' Corner)
  • In September (at Poets' Corner)
  • An Interior
  • Evening, About the Body of water
  • Awakening
  • Ii Infinities

The Vocalist

"That was the thrush's last practiced-night," I thought,
And heard the soft descent of summer rain
In the drooped garden leaves; just hush! over again
The perfect iterence,--freer than unsought
Odours of violets dim in woodland means,
Deeper than coiled waters laid a-dream
Beneath mossed ledges of a shadowy stream,
And faultless as blown roses in June days.
Total-throated vocalist! art k thus anew
Voiceful to hear how round thyself alone
The enriched silence drops for thy please
More than soft than snowfall, more sweetness than honey-dew?
Now stop: the last faint western streak is gone,
Stir not the blissful quiet of the nighttime.


I have wept tears, and learnt, I fearfulness, distressing ways
Of searching for a smiling, and I can guess
The secret of a wan mouth's droopingness,
And know which optics are they that waste their gaze
On the hid grave of hop--yet ne'er the less
My eye leaps up to utter thanks, and bless
Our earth which bears sugariness flowers, and the glad face
Of these unwearied waters--cheers to them
For cursory, intense, bright moments when we see
Our life stand articulate in joy, nosotros kiss the hem
Of God's robe in a rapture, and are whole--
On current of air-swept loma-tops, by the mystery
Of body of water on yet morns, or when the soul
Springs to the lark in a fine ecstasy.

Brother Death

When thou would'st have me go with thee, O Death,
Over the utmost verge, to the dim place,
Exercise upon me with no amorous grace
Of fawning lips, and words of delicate breath,
And curious music thy lute uttereth;
Nor recollect for me there must be sought-out ways
Of cloud and terror; take we many days
Sojourned together, and is this thy organized religion?
Nay, be there plainness 'twixt u.s.; come to me
Even as thou fine art, O brother of my soul;
Hold thy hand out and I will identify mine there;
I trust thy oral fissure's inscrutable irony,
And dare to lay my brow where the whole
Shadow lies deep of thy purpureal hair.

A Peach

If any sense in mortal dust remains
When mine has been refined from flower to flower,
Won from the dominicus all colours, drunk the shower
And fragile winy dews, and gained the gains
Which elves who sleep in airy bells, a-swing
Through half a summer day, for love bestow,
Then in some warm one-time garden let me grow
To such a perfect, lush, ambrosian thing
Every bit this. Upon a southward-facing wall
I bask, and feel my juices dimly fed
And mellowing, while my bloom comes golden grey:
Keep the wasps from me! only before I autumn
Pluck me, white fingers, and o'er 2 ripe-red
Girl lips O allow me richly swoon away!

In the Cathedral

The altar-lights burn low, the incense-smoke
Sickens: O listen, how the priestly prayer
Runs as a fenland stream; a dim despair
Hails through their chaunt of praise, who hither inhume
A dirt-cold Faith within its carven tomb.
Just come up thou along into the vital air
Bully, dark, and pure! grave Night is no betrayer,
And if perchance some faint cold star illume
Her brow of mystery, shall we walk forlorn?
An altar of the natural rock may rise
Somewhere for men who seek; there may be borne
On the night-wind authentic prophecies:
If not, let this--to exhale sane breath--suffice,
Till in yon East, mayhap, the dark be worn.

Durer's "Melencholia"

The bow of hope, this final flaring star,
Terror and hope are in mid-heaven; but She,
The mighty-wing'd crown'd Lady Melancholy,
Heeds not. O to what vision'd goal distant
Does her thought bear those steadfast optics which are
A torch in darkness? At that place nor shore nor sea,
Nor ebbing Time vexes Eternity,
Where that lone thought outsoars the mortal bar.
Tools of the brain--the earth, the cube--no more
She deals with; in her hand the compass stays;
Nor those, industrious genius, of her lore
Student and scribe, thou gravest of the fays,
Await this secret to enlarge thy store;
She moves through impossible ways.

Leonardo's "Monna Lisa"

Brand thyself known, Sibyl, or let despair
Of knowing thee exist absolute; I wait
Hour-long and waste a soul. What give-and-take of fate
Hides 'twixt the lips which grinning and still forbear?
Underground perfection! Mystery too fair!
Tangle the sense no more lest I should hate
Thy delicate tyranny, the inviolate
Poise of thy folded hands, thy fallen hair.
Nay, nay,--I wrong thee with crude words; still be
Serene, victorious, inaccessible;
However smile just speak not; lightest irony
Lurk always 'neath thine eyelids' shadow; still
O'ertop our knowledge; Sphinx of Italian republic
Allure us and turn down united states at thy volition!

Darwinism in Morals

High instincts, dim perversions, sacred fears,
--Whence issuing? Are they but the brain'south amassed
Tradition, shapings of a brutal by,
Remoulded ever past the younger years,
Mixed with fresh clay, and kneaded with new tears?
No more? The dead chief's ghost a shadow bandage
Across the roving association, and thence at terminal
Comes God, who in the soul His law uprears?
Is this the whole? Has not the Hereafter powers
To lucifer the By,--attractions, pulsings, tides,
And voices for purged ears? Is all our light
The glow of aboriginal sunsets and lost hours?
Advance no banners up heaven'south eastern sides?
Trembles the margin with no portent brilliant?

An Interior

The grass effectually my limbs is deep and sweet;
Yonder the house has lost its shadow wholly,
The blinds are dropped, and softly now and slowly
The day flows in and floats; a at-home retreat
Of tempered lite where off-white things fair things meet;
White busts and marble Dian make it holy,
Inside a niche hangs Durer'due south Melancholy
Brooding; and, should you enter, in that location volition greet
Your sense with vague allurement effluence faint
Of one magnolia blossom; off-white fingers describe
From the piano Chopin'southward middle-complaint;
Alone, white-robed she sits; a vehement macaw
On the verandah, proud of feather and paint,
Screams, insolent despot, showing beak and claw.

Evening, Near the Ocean

Calorie-free ebbs from off the Earth; the fields are strange,
Dark, trackless, tenantless; now the mute sky
Resigns itself to Dark and Memory,
And no air current will yon sunken clouds confound,
No glory enrapture them; from cot or grange
The rare phonation ceases; one long-breathed sigh,
And steeped in summertime slumber the world must lie;
All things are acquiescing in the change.
Hush! while the vaulted hollow of the night
Deepens, what vocalism is this the sea sends along,
Disconsolate iterance, a passionless moan?
Ah! now the Day is gone, and tyrannous Light
And the at-home presence of fruit-begetting Earth:
Weep, Sea! it is thy hour; thou art alone.


With brain o'erworn, with heart a summertime clod,
With eye so practised in each form around,--
And all forms mean,--to glance to a higher place the ground
Irks it, each day of many days we plod,
Tongue-tied and deafened, along life's mutual road;
Merely suddenly, nosotros know not how, a sound
Of living streams, an odour, a blossom crowned
With dew, a lark upspringing from the sod,
And nosotros awake. O joy of deep amaze!
Below the everlasting hills we stand,
We hear the voices of the morning time seas,
And earnest prophesyings in the land,
While from the open heaven leans along at gaze
The encompassing great cloud of witnesses.

Two Infinities

A lonely way, and as I went my eyes
Could non unfasten from the Spring's sugariness things,
Lush-sprouted grass, and all that climbs and clings
In loose, deep hedges, where the primrose lies
In her own fairness, buried blooms surprise
The plunderer bee and stop his murmurings,
And the glad flutter of a finch'south wings
Outstartle small blueish-speckled butterflies.
Blissfully did ane speedwell plot betray
My whole heart long; I loved each separate flower,
Kneeling. I looked upward all of a sudden--Dearest God!
There stretched the shining plain for many a mile,
The mountains rose with what invincible power!
And how the sky was fathomless and broad!


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